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ten rāvaka stages are
声闻乘十地  detail>>
ten objects of or stages in meditation
十境  detail>>
瓦卡  detail>>
all bodhisattvas above the ten stages
义天  detail>>
by stages
分阶段地, 分期地 分期地  detail>>
in stages
分阶段  detail>>
stages to that of the
四善根  detail>>
 n.  1.十个人。 2.十件东西。 3.十的记号。 4.十元纸币。 5.(早晨或晚上的)十点钟。 6.十岁。&nbs...  detail>>
the ten
十段生命的共振  detail>>
at later stages
在生长后期  detail>>
bargaining stages
谈判的阶段  detail>>
by easy stages
从容不迫, 不时停下休息 从容不迫地  detail>>
by stages and in groups
分期分批  detail>>
career stages
事业阶段  detail>>
carnegie stages
斯特里特发育分期,卡内基分期  detail>>
clinical stages
临床分期  detail>>
coccidian stages
球虫期  detail>>
completion by stages
分期竣工 分期完成  detail>>